How to Join
We look forward to meeting you!
Whether you're new to homeschooling or simply new to Home on the Rock, we are excited to come alongside you in your journey! We offer a variety of programs, clubs, and activities all over Central Ohio.
If you have any questions about the membership process, email hotrmembership@gmail.com.
We are a conservative, Christian homeschool group, run solely by volunteers.
We define home education as the parent doing the teaching. Families using a Virtual Academy (E-COT, Connections Academy, etc.) are not eligible to join.
Every parent must teach or help in a class for every session your family participates in.
We are not a drop-off program.
A satisfactory background check is required before joining.
Attend a New Member's Information Meeting
We offer three summer meetings and one winter meeting. At this meeting, you'll learn about what HOTR can offer your family and meet current EP leaders. This is your time to ask all the questions!
Submit an Application to Join + Pay New Member Fee
At the meeting, you will receive paperwork that must be completed and returned, along with a $55 application fee, in order to apply. Applications must be submitted with a postmark of August 22nd, in order to participate in the fall semester, or January 22nd, for participation in the spring.
Wait for Membership Approval
Applications are processed within two weeks of receiving them. Summer applications will be reviewed and replied to by August 31st.

- Tue, Jun 03The Naz Church
- Mon, Jul 21Hilliard Church of Christ
- Mon, Aug 04Revive Baptist Church
- Mon, Jan 13Columbus